blockchain what the fuck is it

Last Updated on August 1, 2023 by Paganoto

How does blockchain work? – The Face

How does blockchain work? – The Face

A blockchain in crypto is essentially a chain of transactions. For example, you buy some bitcoin from someone, that's one block. They've bought or mined it from somewhere, that's the previous block. If you then buy something, exchange your money or sell your bitcoin to someone else, that creates a new block.Jul 29, 2021

What the fuck is Blockchain and should we care about it?

What the fuck is Blockchain and should we care about it?

Blockchain is a new technology that will supposedly innovate the way we handle (business) transactions. Amei ! Let me be brutally honest – I do …

What The Actual (Fuck) is Blockchain? – Brigitte Lewis

What The Actual (Fuck) is Blockchain? – Brigitte Lewis

It’s a peer to peer or device to device based version of sharing stuff without having to involve a bank or a government or a nation-state (viva …

Fuck Blockchain : r/Bitcoin – Reddit

Fuck Blockchain : r/Bitcoin – Reddit

You stored your crypt on the exchange, which means that the private keys were stored on the exchange, you have them, so the hacker hacked two- …

What THE FUCK Is The Blockchain? Crypto Thug Explains

What THE FUCK Is The Blockchain? Crypto Thug Explains

How does a blockchain work – Simply Explained · What is blockchain and how can it change our society? · Ismo: Ass Is The Most Complicated Word In …

What the fuck is an NFT? – HEY World

What the fuck is an NFT? – HEY World

This is what an NFT is technically. It’s anything you upload onto the Ethereum blockchain (write into the notebook). It’s a non fungible token …

blockchain – devRant

blockchain – devRant

blockchain. blockchain? blockchain! Why THE FUCK does a game of poker need fucking blockchain? FUCK. rant · blockchain · blockchain everything.

WTF is Bitcoin and how the fuck is it worth $7K? – Dani Mahrer

WTF is Bitcoin and how the fuck is it worth $7K? – Dani Mahrer

So WTF is Bitcoin? It’s not actually a coin, it’s decentralized and stored on the internet, you can buy things with it on, and they are created by …

FUCK FuckToken – CryptoSlate

FUCK FuckToken – CryptoSlate

FUCK Token is a social cryptocurrency that aims to help everyone around the world give a FUCK. It allows anyone, anywhere to send and receive money almost …

chelsea cutler on Twitter: "ok what the fuck is a blockchain …

chelsea cutler on Twitter: "ok what the fuck is a blockchain …

basically.. a series (chain) of encryptions (blocks). there are many applications based on this technology but all the hype is based off price action in the …