
crypto what does deprecateed mean?

Last Updated on January 14, 2023 by Paganoto

Deprecated – Glossary | CSRC

Deprecated – Glossary | CSRC

means that the use of the algorithm and key length is allowed, but the user must accept some risk. The term is used when discussing the key lengths or algorithms that may be used to apply cryptographic protection to data (e.g., encrypting or generating a digital signature). Source(s):

What is deprecated in IT? – TechTarget

What is deprecated in IT? – TechTarget

In information technology (IT), deprecation means that although something is available or allowed, it is not recommended or that — in the case where …

What Does Deprecated Mean? – Webopedia

What Does Deprecated Mean? – Webopedia

Deprecated or deprecation is the discouragement of the use of a programming language feature. It should not be confused with depreciation, …

What is Deprecated? – Definition from Techopedia

What is Deprecated? – Definition from Techopedia

Deprecated refers to a software or programming language feature that is tolerated or supported but not recommended. A deprecated attribute or …

Deprecation – Wikipedia

Deprecation – Wikipedia

In several fields, especially computing, deprecation is the discouragement of use of some terminology, feature, design, or practice, typically because it …

Deprecated meaning? – Stack Overflow

Deprecated meaning? – Stack Overflow

Deprecated means they don’t recommend using it, and that it isn’t undergoing further development. But it …

Deprecated vs. Removed: What's the Difference? – MakeUseOf

Deprecated vs. Removed: What's the Difference? – MakeUseOf

Typically, deprecation occurs when a feature is unsafe or gets replaced with a superior alternative. When features are marked for deprecation, …

Security "Crypto" provider deprecated in Android N

Security "Crypto" provider deprecated in Android N

If your Android app derives keys using the SHA1PRNG algorithm from the Crypto provider, you must start using a real key derivation function …

Deprecated – Android Developers

Deprecated – Android Developers

A program element annotated @Deprecated is one that programmers are discouraged from using. An element may be deprecated for any of several …

3DES is Officially Being Retired – Cryptomathic

3DES is Officially Being Retired – Cryptomathic

Deprecated means “the use of the algorithm and key length is allowed, but the user must accept some risk.” Disallowed means an “algorithm or …