how many people use bitcoin

Last Updated on June 20, 2024 by Paganoto

How Many People Own Bitcoin? 95 Blockchain Statistics (2022)

How Many People Own Bitcoin? 95 Blockchain Statistics (2022)

Since its launch in 2009, Bitcoin has become the world's best-known and most popular cryptocurrency exchange, with more than 180 million users worldwide.Jul 12, 2022

How Many People Own, Hold & Use Bitcoins? (2022)

How Many People Own, Hold & Use Bitcoins? (2022)

What is Bitcoin’s User Growth?

How Many People Use Bitcoin in 2022? (Latest Figure)

How Many People Use Bitcoin in 2022? (Latest Figure)

Bitcoin, a decentralized digital currency, was the first cryptocurrency and is now used by 106 million owners. There are also 200 million …

Less than 1% of Bitcoin users control almost a third of the supply

Less than 1% of Bitcoin users control almost a third of the supply

An estimated 114 million accounts hold Bitcoin worldwide, according to That’s more concentrated wealth than the 1% of affluent … wallets 2011-2022 – Statista wallets 2011-2022 – Statista

Crypto explorer claimed that the number of people with a crypto wallet grew over one million since late 2021.

How Many People Use Bitcoin?

How Many People Use Bitcoin?

How Many People Use Bitcoin? · Over 100 million bitcoin wallets with value now exist. · No. · An estimated 11% of Americans currently hold bitcoin.

16% of Americans say they have invested in, traded or used …

16% of Americans say they have invested in, traded or used …

The vast majority of U.S. adults have heard at least a little about cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin or Ether, and 16% say they personally have …

How Many People Own Bitcoin in 2022? [New Stats]

How Many People Own Bitcoin in 2022? [New Stats]

How Many People Have at Least One Bitcoin?

34 Million US adults own cryptocurrency – Insider Intelligence

34 Million US adults own cryptocurrency – Insider Intelligence

By the end of 2022, the number of US adults who own at least one cryptocurrency will climb 19.0% to 33.7 million.* That equates to 12.8% of the …