how much miner fee for zec transaction time

Last Updated on January 23, 2023 by Paganoto

Zcash Feature UX Checklist

Zcash Feature UX Checklist

The default transaction fee is set at 0.00001 ZEC. We encourage that you use the default fee, so that transparent and shielded transactions have the same fee–that way, privacy doesn't cost more for users! Do not allow users to customize fees. Our network is fast enough that mining incentivization is not an issue.

Zcash (ZEC) Cryptocurrency Frequently Asked Questions – Bitni

Zcash (ZEC) Cryptocurrency Frequently Asked Questions – Bitni

A new block on the Zcash blockchain is added every 75 seconds. The number of transactions in each block is limited to several thousand. Transactions paying …

ZIP 313: Reduce Conventional Transaction Fee to 1000 zatoshis

ZIP 313: Reduce Conventional Transaction Fee to 1000 zatoshis

The conventional transaction fee presently is 0.0001 ZEC or 10,000 zatoshis. At a ZEC market price of USD 100, for example, a user can send 10,000 transactions …

Frequently Asked Questions – Zcash

Frequently Asked Questions – Zcash

How will Zcash be created? … Like Bitcoin, Zcash is a mined cryptocurrency, which means that new ZEC are created each time a block is added to the Zcash …

What is the miner fee? | FixedFloat

What is the miner fee? | FixedFloat

The FixedFloat rate includes an exchange fee of 0.5% for a floating rate or 1% for a fixed rate, as well as a miner fee to consolidate the …

Transaction fees, explained – Cointelegraph

Transaction fees, explained – Cointelegraph

If the mempool is full, miners select transactions with higher fees and leave the rest for the following block. That’s why many crypto users …

RenBridge FAQ – Darknodes

RenBridge FAQ – Darknodes

There are three (3) fees: 1) 15 BPS (0.15%) per mint and 15 BPS (0.15%) burn. 2) There is also a network fee that is required to pay the miners of the …

Zcash (ZEC) price stats and information – BitInfoCharts

Zcash (ZEC) price stats and information – BitInfoCharts

Transactions last 24h, 4,383. Transactions avg. per hour, 183. Avg. Transaction Fee, $0.04. Block Time, 1m 15s. Blocks Count, 1,779,244 (2022-08-19 20:40:17).

What Is Zcash (ZEC)? | Your Ultimate Guide –

What Is Zcash (ZEC)? | Your Ultimate Guide –

ZEC mining rewards are distributed at a rate of 50 ZEC every 10 minutes. With a recent block reading of 77 seconds, that gives 7.79 ZEC in …

Zcash – ZEC Price Index and Live Chart – CoinDesk

Zcash – ZEC Price Index and Live Chart – CoinDesk

Features Zcash USD price, real-time charts, news and videos. Learn about ZEC, the Zcash network, crypto trading and more. … 24H Transaction Count.