how to fix json config parse error(offset 1337):missing a name for object member on xmr-stak

Last Updated on March 2, 2023 by Paganoto

JSON config parse error(offset 1371): Missing a name for …

JSON config parse error(offset 1371): Missing a name for …

When I just created a new config file using the above code, I receive ” JSON config parse error(offset 435): Invalid escape character in string.

xmr-stak-nvidia wont start: "JSON config parse error<offset …

xmr-stak-nvidia wont start: "JSON config parse error<offset …

xmrstak-nvidia wont start: “JSON config parse error<offset 1316>missing a name for object member“. I’m trying to get the miner going but …

JSON parse error: Missing a name for object member

JSON parse error: Missing a name for object member

With very helpful responses I found what I was missing. // Temp Data Struct class DataItem{ public string username; } //Valid Json look like : {“username”: …

Getting "JSON parse error: Missing a name for object member …

Getting "JSON parse error: Missing a name for object member …

On run, I am getting the following error: ArgumentException: JSON parse error: Missing a name for object member. UnityEngine.JsonUtility.

JSON parse err ; I don't understand why : XmrStak – teddit

JSON parse err ; I don't understand why : XmrStak – teddit

JSON config parse error in ‘pools.txt’ (offset 1): Missing a name for object member. Maybe it’s right in my face and I just can’t see it. jsonlint …

Malicious PowerShell Detection via Machine Learning – Vulners

Malicious PowerShell Detection via Machine Learning – Vulners

… \r\n \r\nif __name__ == \”__main__\”:\r\n parser = ArgumentParser(\r\n … \u201cPools.txt,\u201d appears to be a config file for XMRstak, …

Metasploit Wrap-Up – Vulners

Metasploit Wrap-Up – Vulners

Additionally, this fixes both the generation of the ysoserial payloads and the … Bugs Fixed #14792 from gwillcox-r7 updates 11 modules targeting Windows …

mlm_vocab.txt – Hugging Face

mlm_vocab.txt – Hugging Face

… 15 age november college held order service man members due every going here … announced far short created title got list across lost * various america …

Viewing online file analysis results for 'SQLAGENTSON.exe'

Viewing online file analysis results for 'SQLAGENTSON.exe'

Queries the internet cache settings (often used to hide footprints in index.dat or internet cache) Reads the active computer name

07/13/2019 –

07/13/2019 –

Working on fixing major audio sync issues as I can. Big thanks to my video jockeys Some Ninja Master, Glenn Barret, Dave Lauer, Jordan Meurer, Brandon Grindatti …