how to uniqueuly identify individual uniquely with blockchain

Last Updated on April 27, 2024 by Paganoto

Unique Referencing and Identification in the Token Universe

Unique Referencing and Identification in the Token Universe

The UTL is a novel identification and referencing standard capable of uniquely identifying all types of tokens across different ledgers and is resilient to …

UniqueID: Decentralized Proof-of-Unique-Human – arXiv

UniqueID: Decentralized Proof-of-Unique-Human – arXiv

by MJ Hajialikhani · 2018 · Cited by 4 — UniqueID aims to bring online and decentralized one- person-one-account system based on biometric data for rec- ognizing people, human verifiers …

How do I uniquely identify a transaction (to protect against …

How do I uniquely identify a transaction (to protect against …

The basic way to do this is to keep track of a normalized TXID alongside of the actual TXID used in the protocol. Then to calculate the normalized ID of a …

Digital Identity – Blockchain Use Cases – ConsenSys

Digital Identity – Blockchain Use Cases – ConsenSys

A digital identity may be a pseudonymous profile linked to the device’s IP address, for example, a randomly-generated unique ID. Data points that can help …

Blockchain Identity Management: The Definitive Guide (2021 …

Blockchain Identity Management: The Definitive Guide (2021 …

DIDs are a new type of unique identifiers for verifying digital identities, and are entirely controlled by the identity owner. DIDs are …

Decentralized identity using blockchain – VentureBeat

Decentralized identity using blockchain – VentureBeat

The identity wallet submits a registration payload with a public key to the blockchain, which generates a unique identifier against your wallet.

The promise of managing identity on the blockchain

The promise of managing identity on the blockchain

“What is much more likely is that the things Distributed Ledger Technology is uniquely designed for, keeping accurate records in a distributed …

Proof of identity (blockchain consensus) – Wikipedia

Proof of identity (blockchain consensus) – Wikipedia

Proof of identity (PoID) is a consensus protocol for permission-less blockchains, in which each uniquely identified individual receives one equal unit of …

Blockchain for Digital Identity and Credentials – IBM

Blockchain for Digital Identity and Credentials – IBM

With blockchain technology, information about identity is auditable, traceable and verifiable — in just seconds. Individuals can curate their own profiles and …

Digital Identity and the Blockchain: Universal … – Frontiers

Digital Identity and the Blockchain: Universal … – Frontiers

by AJ Zwitter · 2020 · Cited by 25 — Expressions of identity and ways of identification; … From a metaphysical perspective, every physical object has unique properties, …