how to vote on ethereum hard fork

Last Updated on February 8, 2023 by Paganoto

The DAO Heist Undone: 97% of ETH Holders Vote … – Futurism

The DAO Heist Undone: 97% of ETH Holders Vote … – Futurism

The Ethereum community has reached a consensus on the hard fork as a move to undo the 1.5 million ether (ETH) heist perpetrated by an unknown attacker against …

Everything you need to know about the Ethereum “hard fork”

Everything you need to know about the Ethereum “hard fork”

The initial proposal was a soft fork. This would entail a majority of the Ethereum miners (those who verify transactions on the network) voting …

History and Forks of Ethereum |

History and Forks of Ethereum |

This course of action was voted on by the Ethereum community. Any ETH holder was able to vote via a transaction on a voting platform. The decision to fork …

Appendix A: Ethereum Fork History · GitBook

Appendix A: Ethereum Fork History · GitBook

July 15, 2016: A vote is held on CarbonVote to decide if the DAO hard fork will be opt-in (don’t fork by default) or opt-out (fork by default). July 16, 2016: …

DAO Hard Fork Update for Ethereum Finally Released

DAO Hard Fork Update for Ethereum Finally Released

The Ethereum Hard fork update landed yesterday, and how the miners decide to vote will determine the trajectory of Ethereum’s success or fail.

Ethereum network to undergo a hard fork on 5 August

Ethereum network to undergo a hard fork on 5 August

In the Ethereum world, nodes on the blockchain get to vote on whether to approve the fork. In practice, that means that miners get to choose …

Ethereum Hard Fork Explained |

Ethereum Hard Fork Explained |

It also used a lot of electricity, which is expensive and ultimately bad for the environment. The Ethereum hard fork means people are able to …

Hard Fork Voting and Node Adoption Results – Reddit

Hard Fork Voting and Node Adoption Results – Reddit

So, unless something changes, I guess Ethpool miners will all be mining worthless ETH on the losing side of the fork.

The Implementation of Management Rights for Ethereum …

The Implementation of Management Rights for Ethereum …

by WW Wai · 2021 — Ethereum hard fork, called ‘Istanbul’ took place in October 2019 due to threats … There are still lot of issues yet to be resolved in the Ethereum voting …

Ethereum Hard Fork Due Today, Miner Vote Overturned

Ethereum Hard Fork Due Today, Miner Vote Overturned

Ethereum’s hard fork will officially occur Wednesday at approximately 7am EST, despite 65% of miners voting against the measures.