how would an electromagnetic pulse affect cryptocurrency

Last Updated on March 13, 2024 by Paganoto

Nuclear war and Bitcoin

Nuclear war and Bitcoin

An EMP strike could conceivably destroy almost all of a country's, continent's, or the entire world's computers. Bitcoin requires computers to function, so a widespread EMP strike would prevent Bitcoin from functioning in the affected areas until the destroyed computers could be replaced.Apr 14, 2018

Can Bitcoin Survive an EMP Attack? – SHTF Blog

Can Bitcoin Survive an EMP Attack? – SHTF Blog

The short answer is yes, Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies will survive an EMP because the public ledger that it is recorded on is …

Would Bitcoin Survive an EMP Attack? Cryptocurrency Experts …

Would Bitcoin Survive an EMP Attack? Cryptocurrency Experts …

Adam: Bitcoin is a global currency, it is not exclusive to the US. Therefore, provided the EMP attack is restricted to the US alone, it is not possible for an …

Would a solar flare or EMP (electromagnetic pulse) destroy …

Would a solar flare or EMP (electromagnetic pulse) destroy …

Nuclear explosions trigger an effect called an electromagnetic pulse or EMP. EMP can disrupt or destroy electronics from miles away.

Protect Your BTC From EMP Attack : r/Bitcoin – Reddit

Protect Your BTC From EMP Attack : r/Bitcoin – Reddit

Beyond the nuclear EMP, there is a risk of a natural EMP which would be caused by a coronal ejection from the sun. NASA estimates that there is …

"What if there is an EMP" – Bitcoin Talk

"What if there is an EMP" – Bitcoin Talk

An EMP would destroy anything electronic, this includes cold storage drives used to store BTC. It doesn’t matter if it is plugged in or not, it …



An EMP attack would destroy the electronics and digital circuitry in the area of impact, denying electric power to our homes, businesses, and military.

Bitcoins, tulipmania and electric grid insecurity – The Hill

Bitcoins, tulipmania and electric grid insecurity – The Hill

As a cryptocurrency, bitcoins can hide wealth and financial … In 2017, the congressionally mandated Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) Commission …

Will an EMP Attack Take Out Bitcoin, Ethereum, or Other …

Will an EMP Attack Take Out Bitcoin, Ethereum, or Other …

The very nature of what makes up Bitcoin protects it from being destroyed by an EMP attack. Why that’s so is because for the blockchain to exist …

EMP weapons could wipe out electric grid, impacting cars …

EMP weapons could wipe out electric grid, impacting cars …

EMP weapons could wipe out electric grid, impacting cars, water and cell phones · Atlanta-based company ordered to pay back cryptocurrency in …