monero proxy stratum how to find block

Last Updated on August 27, 2023 by Paganoto

xmrig/xmrig-proxy: Monero (XMR) Stratum protocol proxy

xmrig/xmrig-proxy: Monero (XMR) Stratum protocol proxy

This proxy designed and created for handle donation traffic from XMRig. No one other solution works fine with high connection/disconnection rate. Download.

Atrides/xmr-proxy: Stratum Proxy for Monero-pools – GitHub

Atrides/xmr-proxy: Stratum Proxy for Monero-pools – GitHub

WALLET Enter your wallet address. This is where your monero will be stored when you mine. · MONITORING_EMAIL Enter your email if you wish to monitor your server.

A Stratum Proxy for Monero (XMR) Miners Mining XDAG Coins

A Stratum Proxy for Monero (XMR) Miners Mining XDAG Coins

XMRig2XDAG is translator between XMR stratum protocol and XDAG mining protocol. … change to the block median used to calculate penalty, v1 coinbases are …

[XMR] Monero stratum proxy (open-source) – Bitcoin Talk

[XMR] Monero stratum proxy (open-source) – Bitcoin Talk

Hi all, I have released open source Monero stratum proxy. … Does the proxy get a very high difficulty work from the pool and then …

How to set up a Monero mining proxy [Updated Tutorial …

How to set up a Monero mining proxy [Updated Tutorial …

Click through and copy the text into the config.json in your xmrig folder. Start xmrig.cmd (or ./xmrig on Linux)Now you should see the new …

Stratum V1 Docs | Mining Protocol – Braiins

Stratum V1 Docs | Mining Protocol – Braiins

If you’re looking for Stratum mining proxy, please visit mining proxy howto. … However, a block created from massively modified ntime can be rejected by …

Stratum V2 | The next generation protocol for pooled mining

Stratum V2 | The next generation protocol for pooled mining

It is used for communication between Mining Devices, Proxies, and Pool Services. … Used to get information about the next block out of Bitcoin Core.

Monero Mining Guide – MINEXMR

Monero Mining Guide – MINEXMR

The minimum fixed difficulty for xmr-node-proxy is 2000000. This cannot be changed. We recommend using xmr-node-proxy without a fixed diff, the pool will …

Command line options – XMRig

Command line options – XMRig

-x, —proxy=HOST:PORT, connect through a SOCKS5 proxy, 5.7.0+ … –self-select=URL, self-select block templates from URL, 4.4.0+.

Open-Source Community Project xmrig/xmrig-proxy – Openware

Open-Source Community Project xmrig/xmrig-proxy – Openware

Monero (XMR) Stratum protocol proxy. … interval in milliseconds (default: 1000) –self-select=URL self-select block templates from URL …