reddit how bitcoin works

Last Updated on February 13, 2024 by Paganoto

How does Bitcoin work? : r/NoStupidQuestions – Reddit

How does Bitcoin work? : r/NoStupidQuestions – Reddit

How does Bitcoin work? · go to an exchange and give them your local currency (dollars, euros, yuan, yen, rubles), they will then send you Bitcoin.

ELI5: Bitcoins : r/explainlikeimfive – Reddit

ELI5: Bitcoins : r/explainlikeimfive – Reddit

Bitcoins are virtual currency. New ones are generated by computers solving really hard math problems – this is called “mining”. If you are the first to solve …

How the Bitcoin protocol actually works : r/programming – Reddit

How the Bitcoin protocol actually works : r/programming – Reddit

Miners collect transactions into a collection called a block. Every block a miner creates also includes a special transaction called the coinbase, which …

What is bitcoin and why is it so important? : r/OutOfTheLoop

What is bitcoin and why is it so important? : r/OutOfTheLoop

Bitcoin is a digital currency, meaning that it exists completely on the internet. The super-simplified ELI5 version is that it is money you can send …

ELI5: Can someone explain to me how crypto works? – Reddit

ELI5: Can someone explain to me how crypto works? – Reddit

In a similar way Bitcoin is a record of all transactions made on the bitcoin ledger. The difference is, however, that you can decide to withdraw …

Bitcoin Explained for Beginners : r/CryptoCurrency – Reddit

Bitcoin Explained for Beginners : r/CryptoCurrency – Reddit

How does Bitcoin work? Bitcoin is a ctryptocurrency that is conducted on a public ledger, the ‘blockchain’. A blockchain is, in the simplest of …

Bitcoin Explained: How do cryptocurrencies work? – Reddit

Bitcoin Explained: How do cryptocurrencies work? – Reddit

The lucky miner who finds the next valid block gets to award themselves a fixed reward (coinbase reward), and also pockets the transaction fees.

What's the best way to explain how bitcoin works in a sentence?

What's the best way to explain how bitcoin works in a sentence?

My one-sentence description of Bitcoin: Bitcoin is an online currency that can be sent and received by anyone in the world, relying on computers to control the …

The Economist explains: How does Bitcoin work? : r/technology

The Economist explains: How does Bitcoin work? : r/technology

When you create a new client you get a set of keys called a wallet, which are like a safe deposit box in the bank that only you can open with your keys. You …

ELI5: How does Bitcoin work if it's decentralized? – Reddit

ELI5: How does Bitcoin work if it's decentralized? – Reddit

Basically each transaction is broadcast to the whole Bitcoin network then information is stored in a long chain. When you get a “coin” that “coin” has stored in …