what can you do with a .eth domain

Last Updated on January 4, 2024 by Paganoto

Why You Need a '.ETH' Domain Name – Shubh Patni

Why You Need a '.ETH' Domain Name – Shubh Patni

You can use your one ENS domain to receive native assets of over 100 blockchains. This means you can receive tokens of those cryptocurrencies …

Everything You Can Do With Your ENS Name Right Now

Everything You Can Do With Your ENS Name Right Now

Creating and selling names is easy (and so should be done responsibly); actually creating useful features and getting ecosystem adoption is another thing.

What Is Ethereum Name Service and How Do You Get a .ETH …

What Is Ethereum Name Service and How Do You Get a .ETH …

Ethereum Name Service makes things quite simple. Using the protocol, you can create your domain, using just about any characters you would want.

What Is the Ethereum Name Service? How ENS Works and …

What Is the Ethereum Name Service? How ENS Works and …

Through the ENS, users can buy and manage their own domains, meaning that secure and decentralized transactions can take place without having to …

Everything you need to know about those .eth addresses on …

Everything you need to know about those .eth addresses on …

In a nutshell, it’s a domain name for your crypto wallet. It works just like it does on the internet (like www.thenextweb.com) and helps you …

ĐApp Tutorial: Making Ethereum Name Service Subdomains

ĐApp Tutorial: Making Ethereum Name Service Subdomains

The Ethereum Name Service is a blockchain-backed alternative to the internet’s traditional Domain Name System. If you own a .eth domain, you can deploy …

What Is the Ethereum Name Service (ENS)? – Decrypt

What Is the Ethereum Name Service (ENS)? – Decrypt

It is a totally distributed domain-name provider that allows anyone to buy and manage domains. That means you could send ETH or ERC20 tokens …

What Are Ethereum Domains – district0x Education Portal

What Are Ethereum Domains – district0x Education Portal

Also known as Ethereum Domains, Ethereum Name Service (or “ENS” for short ) brings human-readable names to the Ethereum ecosystem. Names in the Ethereum …

How and Why to Replace Your Ethereum Address with a User …

How and Why to Replace Your Ethereum Address with a User …

Every address on Ethereum acts as an identifier for a blockchain account, and each one can be named and registered.