what does unspent mean on blockchain explorer

Last Updated on February 11, 2024 by Paganoto

Unspent transaction output – Wikipedia

Unspent transaction output – Wikipedia

In cryptocurrencies, an unspent transaction output (UTXO) represents some amount of digital currency which has been authorized by one account to be spent by another. UTXOs use public key cryptography to identify and transfer ownership between holders of public/private key pairs.

What does 'unspent' mean in blockchain? – Quora

What does 'unspent' mean in blockchain? – Quora

The short version is “unspent” means no later transaction has been added that references that previous transaction output. Once such a transaction has been …

Unspent/Spent Flag in Blockchain – Bitcoin Stack Exchange

Unspent/Spent Flag in Blockchain – Bitcoin Stack Exchange

In this structures all nodes keep all outputs which has not yet been spent at the last block of the blockchain the nodes have validated. If an …

What does "unspent" mean in the Blockchain? – Bitcoin Talk

What does "unspent" mean in the Blockchain? – Bitcoin Talk

Unspent just means that the receiving address has not used those coins yet. It is a good thing. It means that you can spend them in the future.

How to Retrieve Unspent Bitcoin from the Blockchain

How to Retrieve Unspent Bitcoin from the Blockchain

Unexpended activity outputs are an abstract of electronic currency in coins like bitcoins. It may be described as a non-spent outcome of a blockchain trade …

What Are Unspent Transaction Outputs (UTXOs)? – CoinSutra

What Are Unspent Transaction Outputs (UTXOs)? – CoinSutra

A Bitcoin transaction is comprised of inputs and outputs. Only Unspent Transaction Outputs, or UTXOs, can be used to be spent as an input in another transaction …

UTXO Model Definition – Investopedia

UTXO Model Definition – Investopedia

What Is the UTXO Model?

What is Unspent Transaction Output (UTXO)? – GeeksforGeeks

What is Unspent Transaction Output (UTXO)? – GeeksforGeeks

UTXO stands for Unspent Transaction Output. It is the amount of digital currency someone has left remaining after executing a transaction.

Unspent Transaction Output (UTXO) – Binance Academy

Unspent Transaction Output (UTXO) – Binance Academy

An unspent transaction output (UTXO) refers to a transaction output that can be used as input in a new transaction. In essence, UTXOs define where each …

How To Retrieve Unspent Bitcoin From The Blockchain

How To Retrieve Unspent Bitcoin From The Blockchain

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