what gives bitcoin value reddit

Last Updated on February 25, 2023 by Paganoto

What gives Bitcoin value? – Reddit

What gives Bitcoin value? – Reddit

Bitcoins derive their value from trust, functionality, and market supply and demand. Bitcoin satisfies all of the characteristics of money: durability, …

ELI5: Why does BitCoins have value? : r/explainlikeimfive

ELI5: Why does BitCoins have value? : r/explainlikeimfive

Bitcoins have value because people are willing to pay for them (and of course, people are willing to pay for them because they have value). You have some …

CMV: Bitcoin is a useless commodity and provides no value to …

CMV: Bitcoin is a useless commodity and provides no value to …

The value in Bitcoin (and other cryptocurrencies) is that it’s a decentralized network. It’s a (mostly) trustless, open source p2p cash network.

What gives crypto value? : r/nanocurrency – Reddit

What gives crypto value? : r/nanocurrency – Reddit

Cryptocurrencies have value because of digital SCARCITY. bitcoin was the first to solve the problem, decentralised scarcity that can’t be switched off by …

ELI5: How does crypto currency (Bitcoin) have actual value?

ELI5: How does crypto currency (Bitcoin) have actual value?

All modern currencies are “made up” in this sense…they have value only because the users agree they do, and are therefore willing to exchange …

Why is a Bitcoin worth so much money how can such virtual …

Why is a Bitcoin worth so much money how can such virtual …

Bitcoins are perceived to have value, so they have value. There’s a limited supply, so as demand increases, so does price. Why is there demand?

ELI5: What makes bitcoin so valuable if anyone can create a …

ELI5: What makes bitcoin so valuable if anyone can create a …

Because people give currencies value and that’s it. “What about the US dollar?” Yeah, we just give them value like any other currency.

What gives BITCOIN value : r/Bitcoin – Reddit

What gives BITCOIN value : r/Bitcoin – Reddit

The only thing that gives Bitcoin value is that somebody else is willing to trade you real money for one. Full stop.

ELI5: Why is Bitcoin so popular/expensive? – Reddit

ELI5: Why is Bitcoin so popular/expensive? – Reddit

The price of Bitcoin is high because there is currently only 13 million units (divisible to 8th decimal place) so it has to accommodate that with price. If you …

Bitcoin has no intrinsic value, say many experts. – Reddit

Bitcoin has no intrinsic value, say many experts. – Reddit

It’s not true. The intrinsic value is the value due to the difficulty of extraction or processing. Extracting bitcoins, or creating new ones, has a very …