what if monero is sent to a wrong address

Last Updated on October 29, 2023 by Paganoto

Sent funds to wrong address : r/Monero – Reddit

Sent funds to wrong address : r/Monero – Reddit

I was depositing XMR from mymonero.com wallet to a new wallet. I accidentally sent the funds to the wrong address.

Support » Lost monero transaction. Wrong payment id used?

Support » Lost monero transaction. Wrong payment id used?

If the address is not correct- bad formatting, missing a character, or not found in the address base then the sending wallet should generate an error and …

Sent monero to the wrong address

Sent monero to the wrong address

If the address is invalid, you don’t lose your monero, it just doesn’t get sent. If it’s a valid address to which you do not have the …

XMR went to the wrong address after I pasted the recipient …

XMR went to the wrong address after I pasted the recipient …

Since hackers are able to access your clipboard, they are able to change the copied wallet address before you paste it. This can cause your payment to go to …

I Sent Funds to the Wrong Address. How Do I Get Them Back?

I Sent Funds to the Wrong Address. How Do I Get Them Back?

Warning: Always double-check and ensure that the address you’re sending funds to, exactly matches the address of the recipient beforehand.

Monero (XMR) troubleshooting – Exodus Support

Monero (XMR) troubleshooting – Exodus Support

If you think your wallet may be out of sync with the network, the first thing to do is refresh your wallet. During the refresh, sending funds is disabled. This …

I received 68 bitcoin from a random address. What should I do …

I received 68 bitcoin from a random address. What should I do …

Yes keeping something sent to you that you could have sent back would constitute as taking which is the same as stealing. If this wallet is on an exchange you …

How can I receive funds? | Cake Wallet Guides

How can I receive funds? | Cake Wallet Guides

Coins sent to it will still arrive in your main wallet, but the person sending the coins cannot determine the main address. To create a new sub-address, tap on …

Guide for the Monero GUI wallet – GitHub

Guide for the Monero GUI wallet – GitHub

If you connect to a malicious remote node, it could track your IP address, your “restore height” and associated block request data, and send you inaccurate …

How to use NiceHash wallet?

How to use NiceHash wallet?

Always be careful when depositing your cryptocurrency funds! Deposits sent to the wrong address are usually irreversible!