what is a payment id monero

Last Updated on April 8, 2023 by Paganoto

Payment ID | Moneropedia | Monero

Payment ID | Moneropedia | Monero

The Payment ID is usually used to identify transactions to merchants and exchanges: Given the intrinsic privacy features built into Monero, where a single public address is usually used for incoming transactions, the Payment ID is especially useful to tie incoming payments with user accounts.

How to prove payment | Monero – secure, private, untraceable

How to prove payment | Monero – secure, private, untraceable

With Bitcoin, this is typically done by looking up the transaction ID, where the origin and destination addresses are shown, along with the amount …

How to make a payment | Monero – secure, private, untraceable

How to make a payment | Monero – secure, private, untraceable

This dialog will also display the Transaction ID (txid), which is a unique identifier for your Monero transaction. Optionally, click on Copy button to copy …

What is a payment ID, and why is it used?

What is a payment ID, and why is it used?

Payment IDs are needed when sending to an exchange, such as Poloniex or to a merchant. It allows Poloniex to confirm the transaction is yours, …

What is Monero payment ID & why do exchange need this for …

What is Monero payment ID & why do exchange need this for …

In Monero, A payment ID is an arbitrary transaction attachment. It is a hexadecimal string that consist of 64 characters long (32 bytes). And …

Noob question on PAYMENT ID : r/Monero – Reddit

Noob question on PAYMENT ID : r/Monero – Reddit

Question is, is it ok to generate a random Monero payment ID when sending to another wallet? As I have read and understood this is a an ID …

Monero (XMR) Deposits & Withdrawals at Bitfinex

Monero (XMR) Deposits & Withdrawals at Bitfinex

Note: As a part of the Monero (XMR) protocol upgrade on November 30, 2019, long payment IDs are phased out. The previous system of addresses …

Integrated Address – Monero Documentation

Integrated Address – Monero Documentation

Monero integrated address embeds a payment ID. This allows you to learn for what you are being paid.

Bittrex support for the Monero (XMR) upgrade and long …

Bittrex support for the Monero (XMR) upgrade and long …

Bittrex will re-enable the XMR wallet when we deem the upgrade is satisfactory. Old deposit addresses using the long payment ID will be deprecated as part of …

Addresses and payment IDs – Python module for Monero

Addresses and payment IDs – Python module for Monero

Each Monero transaction may carry a payment ID. It is a 64 or 256-bit long number that carries additional information between parties.