what is a tether for probation

Last Updated on January 8, 2024 by Paganoto

MDOC's probation tether program will function for one more …

MDOC's probation tether program will function for one more …

A "tether" is an electronic monitoring device that allows parole officers to monitor and enforce curfews and other conditions of community supervision for those released from prison.Dec 3, 2019

Tether and Electronic Monitoring Devices

Tether and Electronic Monitoring Devices

GPS Tethers are common for persons charged or convicted of Criminal Sexual Assault, Domestic Violence, Stalking, or other crimes with a victim.

Electronic Monitoring of Offenders in the Community

Electronic Monitoring of Offenders in the Community

The system allows for the monitoring and enforcement of curfews and other conditions of community supervision. Persons supervised using electronic monitoring …

Electronic Monitoring Devices – Tether Instead of Jail

Electronic Monitoring Devices – Tether Instead of Jail

Tether is a sentencing alternative to jail that is becoming more common. It is expensive. Call us for help with any criminal matter.

The SCRAM Tether, How it Works and How it Doesn't

The SCRAM Tether, How it Works and How it Doesn't

The SCRAM ankle bracelet is a device used by judges and probation officers to determine if an individual has been drinking alcohol. The SCRAM is …

Radio Frequency (RF) Tether – House Arrest Services.

Radio Frequency (RF) Tether – House Arrest Services.

The Radio Frequency system consists of a transmitter, worn on the offender’s ankle, and a receiver which is placed in the offender’s home. The transmitter …

No swimming, constant monitoring and a big sock. What life …

No swimming, constant monitoring and a big sock. What life …

There are different kinds of tethers, including those that monitor a person’s location and those that monitor them for things like alcohol use.

When tethered convicts cut and run, police face dangerous …

When tethered convicts cut and run, police face dangerous …

When someone is paroled from prison or is ordered to serve probation, a parole board or a parole agent can order the person to wear a tether …

Ankle Monitors Tether Wearers to the Carceral System: Study

Ankle Monitors Tether Wearers to the Carceral System: Study

Electronic ankle monitors are often used as a way to lower incarceration rates while seemingly giving wearers the freedom to go about their …

What Are the Rules Of Wearing a GPS Ankle Monitor?

What Are the Rules Of Wearing a GPS Ankle Monitor?

The sentence will also include a curfew and a schedule. A parole or probation officer will set the time periods allowed for travel to these approved locations.