what is blockchain in one paragraph

Last Updated on December 17, 2023 by Paganoto

How to explain blockchain in plain English

How to explain blockchain in plain English

David Schatsky, managing director at Deloitte: “A blockchain is a digital and distributed ledger of transactions or decentralized database that keeps continuously updated digital records in real-time across a network of computers.Jun 26, 2018

Blockchain explained… in under 100 words – Deloitte

Blockchain explained… in under 100 words – Deloitte

The original Blockchain is open-source technology which offers an alternative to the traditional intermediary for transfers of the crypto-currency Bitcoin. The …

Explaining Blockchain in 1 Easy-to-Understand Sentence

Explaining Blockchain in 1 Easy-to-Understand Sentence

Each time a group of transactions, known as a block, is resolved and proven true, it’s added to the previously validated transactions, forming a …

What is Blockchain Technology? – IBM

What is Blockchain Technology? – IBM

Blockchain defined: Blockchain is a shared, immutable ledger that facilitates the process of recording transactions and tracking assets in a business network.

Can you explain the blockchain in one sentence? – Quora

Can you explain the blockchain in one sentence? – Quora

The Blockchain is a time-stamped series of records of data managed by a cluster of computers and not owned by any single entity. Since it is decentralized, it …

What is blockchain? | Euromoney Learning

What is blockchain? | Euromoney Learning

A blockchain is essentially a digital ledger of transactions that is duplicated and distributed across the entire network of computer systems on the …

Blockchain explained – Reuters Graphics

Blockchain explained – Reuters Graphics

A blockchain is a database that is shared across a network of computers. Once a record has been added to the chain it is very difficult to …

What is blockchain and how does it work? – TechTarget

What is blockchain and how does it work? – TechTarget

It is a type of distributed ledger technology (DLT), a digital system for recording transactions and related data in multiple places at the same time. Each …

How Does Blockchain Work? Everything You Need to Know …

How Does Blockchain Work? Everything You Need to Know …

Blockchain technology is a structure that stores transactional records, also known as the block, of the public in several databases, known as …

What Is a Blockchain? How Does It Work? – Investopedia

What Is a Blockchain? How Does It Work? – Investopedia

A blockchain is a digitally distributed, decentralized, public ledger that exists across a network. It is most noteworthy in its use with cryptocurrencies …