what is stop-limit order binance

Last Updated on March 6, 2023 by Paganoto

Types of Order on Binance Futures

Types of Order on Binance Futures

What is a Stop Limit order? A Stop Limit order is a conditional order over a set timeframe, executed at a specified price after a given stop price has been reached. Once the stop price is reached, it will buy or sell at the limit price or at a better price than the limit price you set.Jun 10, 2020

What Is a Stop-Limit Order? – Binance Academy

What Is a Stop-Limit Order? – Binance Academy

Stop-limit orders allow traders to set the minimum amount of profit they’re happy to take or the maximum they’re willing to spend or lose on a …

What is The Stop-Limit Function and How to Use It – Binance

What is The Stop-Limit Function and How to Use It – Binance

A stop-limit order is a limit order that has a limit price and a stop price. When the stop price is reached, the limit order will be placed …

How to Use the Stop-Limit on Binance

How to Use the Stop-Limit on Binance

How to Handle Order Problems ( Exceptions) on Binance

Stop-Limit Order Definition: Features & Examples – Investopedia

Stop-Limit Order Definition: Features & Examples – Investopedia

The stop-limit order will be executed at a specified price, or better, after a given stop price has been reached. Once the stop price is reached, the stop-limit …

How to trade on binance: stop-limit order and stop loss binance

How to trade on binance: stop-limit order and stop loss binance

The stop price is the price that activates a limit order and the limit price is the specific price of the limit order that was activated.

How to set up a Stop-Limit order on Binance Exchange – Steemit

How to set up a Stop-Limit order on Binance Exchange – Steemit

A Stop-Limit order will let you create a certain order which will only trigger when a certain price is met. For example, if you have recently bought into a new …