what is tether anchor

Last Updated on May 12, 2023 by Paganoto

LATCH 101: The Basics You Need to Know – The Car Seat Lady

LATCH 101: The Basics You Need to Know – The Car Seat Lady

TETHER ANCHOR: A tether anchor is a metal anchor (often a ring or bar) found behind the vehicle seat.

Car Seat Tethers – Safe Kids Worldwide

Car Seat Tethers – Safe Kids Worldwide

When attached and tightened to one of the vehicle’s tether anchors, a tether helps keep a forward-facing car seat from tipping forward. Find the tether anchor …

What Is A Tether? – CarseatBlog

What Is A Tether? – CarseatBlog

A tether (aka top tether, top tether strap, top strap) is a long piece of seat belt material that has a clip on the end located at the top back …

Top Tethers: A Crucial Piece Of Your Child's Car Seat

Top Tethers: A Crucial Piece Of Your Child's Car Seat

The tether is a strap attached to the top back of a convertible or combination seat, and it attaches to a tether anchor in the vehicle …

How to find the tether anchor in my vehicle, or in a Grab or taxi

How to find the tether anchor in my vehicle, or in a Grab or taxi

A tether strap, also commonly known as an anchor strap, is a fabric strap attached to the back of your child restraint. It features a metal hook …

Car seat top tethers – what you need to know to use them right

Car seat top tethers – what you need to know to use them right

Then you have the tether anchors. These are metal anchors (a ring or bar) that can be found in various places behind the back seat. Cars made …

The Tether Strap and Universal Anchorage System (UAS)

The Tether Strap and Universal Anchorage System (UAS)

Once a car seat is turned forward-facing, it must be held in place with both a tether strap and the seat belt or universal anchorage system (UAS). The tether …

Car Seat Installation Information: Seat Belts & LATCH

Car Seat Installation Information: Seat Belts & LATCH

Tether anchors are located behind the seat, either on the panel behind the seat (in sedans) or on the back of the seat, ceiling, or floor (in …