what is the ethereum hard fork

Last Updated on July 26, 2023 by Paganoto

Hard Fork (Blockchain) Definition – Investopedia

Hard Fork (Blockchain) Definition – Investopedia

A hard fork is when nodes of the newest version of a blockchain no longer accept the older version(s) of the blockchain; which creates a permanent divergence from the previous version of the blockchain.

Ethereum Classic and the Ethereum hard fork – Coinbase Help

Ethereum Classic and the Ethereum hard fork – Coinbase Help

In response to community concerns, the Ethereum Foundation implemented a hard fork to roll back all DAO-related transactions and allow the DAO’s original …

History and Forks of Ethereum | ethereum.org

History and Forks of Ethereum | ethereum.org

What are forks? … Changes to the rules of the Ethereum protocol which often include planned technical upgrades. … Looking for future protocol upgrades? Learn …

Everything You Need to Know About The Istanbul Hard Fork

Everything You Need to Know About The Istanbul Hard Fork

The 8th Ethereum hard fork is set to happen on December 6th, 2019. For those who are not as familiar with the term hard fork, think of the process as a …

Ethereum just activated its London hard fork, and it's a big deal

Ethereum just activated its London hard fork, and it's a big deal

The hard fork itself consists of five Ethereum Improvement Proposals. They are called EIPs for short, and each puts forth a set of changes to …

Justin Sun Backs Ethereum Hard Fork as Merge Approaches

Justin Sun Backs Ethereum Hard Fork as Merge Approaches

Tron founder Justin Sun has emerged as one of the most prominent investors supporting a hard fork of Ethereum after the blockchain switches …

Buzz Over Potential Ethereum Hard Fork Token Fizzles as …

Buzz Over Potential Ethereum Hard Fork Token Fizzles as …

To counter that, Chandler Guo, a prominent crypto miner and investor, proposed crafting a duplicate of the Ethereum blockchain via a hard fork …

Ethereum Activates 'Grey Glacier' Hard Fork, Merge Likely in …

Ethereum Activates 'Grey Glacier' Hard Fork, Merge Likely in …

That remains the most likely time frame for the hotly anticipated Merge with the proof-of-stake Beacon Chain. A hard fork is a software upgrade …

Ethereum London hard fork FAQs – Exodus Support

Ethereum London hard fork FAQs – Exodus Support

Ethereum’s London hard fork is now live at block height 12,965,000, which took place on August 5, 2021. It consisted of five Ethereum Improvement Proposals …

Ethereum's London Hard Fork update and its significance

Ethereum's London Hard Fork update and its significance

The second-largest cryptocurrency after Bitcoin, Ethereum, underwent a technical upgrade on August 5, 2021. Known as Ethereum Improvement …