what is vout bitcoin

Last Updated on January 17, 2024 by Paganoto

VOUT – Learn Me A Bitcoin

VOUT – Learn Me A Bitcoin

The vector of an output in a bitcoin transaction. A vout is basically an index number for an output in a transaction.

VOUT – Bitcoin SV Wiki

VOUT – Bitcoin SV Wiki

A transaction outpoint or transaction output number is (most often used to refer to) a 4-byte index indicating the position of a transaction …

What exactly is the "vout" field? – Bitcoin Stack Exchange

What exactly is the "vout" field? – Bitcoin Stack Exchange

vout is the 0 based output index. It can be more than just 0 or 1 , but those tend to be the most common because people don’t make …

Bitcoin basics: what are vout, vin, scriptPubKey? – Medium

Bitcoin basics: what are vout, vin, scriptPubKey? – Medium

The sum of the vin[] funds all the payments made, which are the vout[]. There is a special output which cant be spent, called OP_RETURN, or …

What does vin and vout signifies? what is the purpose of vin …

What does vin and vout signifies? what is the purpose of vin …

Each transaction has inputs and outputs, where vin is the set of inputs and vout is the set of outputs in the raw transaction description.

what does vout mean in multichain

what does vout mean in multichain

It’s a numbering of the outputs in a transaction, e.g. vout=0 means the first output, vout=1 the second, etc.

Transactions – Bitcoin.org

Transactions – Bitcoin.org

An input uses a transaction identifier (txid) and an output index number (often called “vout” for output vector) to identify a particular output to be spent …

Transactions – Bitcoin.org

Transactions – Bitcoin.org

We now have three UTXOs: the two transactions we created before plus the coinbase transaction from block #2. We save the txid and output index number (vout) of …

How to interpret vin/vout on a Bitcoin transaction?

How to interpret vin/vout on a Bitcoin transaction?

valueIn = vout[0][value] + vout[1][value] + [fees] valueIn = 158316. Is that what you have been looking for?

Bitcoin Transactions: Transaction Inputs – Saylor Academy

Bitcoin Transactions: Transaction Inputs – Saylor Academy

Transaction Inputs · A transaction ID, referencing the transaction that contains the UTXO being spent · An output index (vout), identifying which UTXO from that …