what sedimentary structure formed on edge of ripple or dune

Last Updated on June 11, 2024 by Paganoto

Chapter 4: Sedimentary Structures – The Story of Earth

Chapter 4: Sedimentary Structures – The Story of Earth

The deposition of the steep side of several dunes or ripples creates a sedimentary structure called cross-bedding (Figure 5).

Bedforms: ripples and dunes – Geology is the Way

Bedforms: ripples and dunes – Geology is the Way

In general, these structures are known as bedforms, because they form at the bottom of a basin at the contact between the sediment and air/water. When ripples ( …

5.4: Sedimentary Structures – Geosciences LibreTexts

5.4: Sedimentary Structures – Geosciences LibreTexts


6.4 Sedimentary Structures and Fossils – Physical Geology

6.4 Sedimentary Structures and Fossils – Physical Geology

Cross-beds form as sediments are deposited on the leading edge of an advancing ripple or dune. Each layer is related to a different ripple that advances in …

What are Ripple Marks? – Geology Page

What are Ripple Marks? – Geology Page

Ripples may be made by water or, in sand dunes, by wind. The symmetry of water-current ripple marks indicate whether they were formed by gentle …

Sedimentary structures – Wikipedia

Sedimentary structures – Wikipedia

Sedimentary structures include all kinds of features in sediments and sedimentary rocks, formed at the time of deposition. Sediments and sedimentary rocks …

Ripple marks – Wikipedia

Ripple marks – Wikipedia

In geology, ripple marks are sedimentary structures (i.e., bedforms of the lower flow regime) and indicate agitation by water (current or waves) or wind.

Ripples and Dunes

Ripples and Dunes

Ripples and dunes are useful because they are fairly commonly preserved in the sedimentary record. Assymetrical ripples and dunes form when current flows in a …

Sedimentary Structures

Sedimentary Structures

When cross-bedding forms, sand is transported as sand-dune like bodies (sandwave), in which sediment is moved up and eroded along a gentle upcurrent slope, …

Way-up structures – Historical Geology – OpenGeology

Way-up structures – Historical Geology – OpenGeology

Climbing ripples form when downstream migration of a ripple or dune is accompanied by rapid vertical aggradation of sediment. This tends to occur when the …