where does monero store blockchain

Last Updated on September 20, 2023 by Paganoto

Where is the blockchain saved, in windows?

Where is the blockchain saved, in windows?

On Windows the blockchain is stored in C:\ProgramData\bitmonero\lmdb. It’s a hidden folder, but if you simply copy paste aforementioned path into your …

How to change the Monero blockchain data location | CLI wallet

How to change the Monero blockchain data location | CLI wallet

Blockchain location:​​ Monero keeps the blockchain and other core files at C:\ProgramData . This folder is normally hidden so click on View >> …

Support » Blockchain files location on OSX – Monero | Forum

Support » Blockchain files location on OSX – Monero | Forum

On my windows installation with latest release the block chain folder size is 7.74 gigs. I’m not sure where the files are default located on OSX though.

Importing the Monero Blockchain from an outside source

Importing the Monero Blockchain from an outside source

How to import the Monero blockchain (advanced) … You can do this by pressing the Windows key + R, and then typing in the popup box CMD and pressing Enter.

Where is monero Blockchain stored Linux? – High tech guide

Where is monero Blockchain stored Linux? – High tech guide

On Windows the blockchain is stored in C:\ProgramData\bitmonero\lmdb. It’s a hidden folder, but if you simply copy paste aforementioned path into your Windows …

where does monerod store the blockchain on the local drive?

where does monerod store the blockchain on the local drive?

On Windows the default location is C:\ProgramData\bitmonero. Upvote

Interacting with Monero

Interacting with Monero

Data directory​​ This is where the blockchain, log files, and p2p network memory are stored. By default data directory is at: $HOME/. bitmonero/ on Linux and …

How do I import monero Blockchain raw? – ShortInformer

How do I import monero Blockchain raw? – ShortInformer

Where does monero stored blockchain? On Windows the blockchain is stored in C:\ProgramData\bitmonero\lmdb. It’s a hidden folder, …

Where to Store Monero XMR – Exodus Wallet

Where to Store Monero XMR – Exodus Wallet

Exodus is consistently listed as one of the best cryptocurrency wallets. It has also been named the “Best Monero Wallet” by several publications …

Monero FAQs – Learn more about XMR – Exodus Support

Monero FAQs – Learn more about XMR – Exodus Support

How do I view my Monero balance on the blockchain? … The short answer is, you can’t. … Monero is considered a privacy coin and therefore transaction details …