which email did i use for coinbase

Last Updated on February 17, 2024 by Paganoto

Is this email really from Coinbase?

Is this email really from Coinbase?

Emails from Coinbase will always have the coinbase.com domain name at the end of them. For example, emails from [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], and any other email from the @coinbase.com domain can be trusted.

Lost email access – Coinbase Help

Lost email access – Coinbase Help

If you lost access to the email address you used to create your Coinbase account, we’ll need to go through a few steps to help you access your account. Before …

Accessing my account – Coinbase Help

Accessing my account – Coinbase Help

You’ll need your Coinbase email address and password. If you don’t have access to your Coinbase.com email address, see lost email access.

How do I change my email address? – Coinbase Help

How do I change my email address? – Coinbase Help

If you’re a customer across multiple Coinbase products—Coinbase.com, Prime, Pro, Custody, and Commerce—you can change your primary email address from a single …

Email address verification – Coinbase Help

Email address verification – Coinbase Help

Email address verification · Copy and paste the link into a new tab or window in your browser. · Add [email protected] to your contact list, then log out of …

Troubleshooting Coinbase emails

Troubleshooting Coinbase emails

Search for “@coinbase.com” in your email provider’s search function, which should locate all emails from us, even if they’ve been directed to other folders. If …

Why did I receive an unexpected device confirmation email?

Why did I receive an unexpected device confirmation email?

Change the password to both your Coinbase account and your email account. You should use passwords that are entirely new, unique, complex, and unrelated to each …

Create a Coinbase account

Create a Coinbase account

Verify your email

What is phishing? – Coinbase Help

What is phishing? – Coinbase Help

Official communication will always come from an email address ending in @coinbase.com. Any variation from this may be indicative that the email you received is …

Reporting phishing sites – Coinbase Help

Reporting phishing sites – Coinbase Help

If you believe you’ve encountered a phishing site, please email … our security team will investigate your submission and take prompt action to shut down …