who can access it record is on a blockchain

Last Updated on September 18, 2023 by Paganoto

Permissioned Blockchain Definition – Investopedia

Permissioned Blockchain Definition – Investopedia

A permissioned blockchain is a distributed ledger that is not publicly accessible. It can only be accessed by users with permissions. The users can only perform specific actions granted to them by the ledger administrators and are required to identify themselves through certificates or other digital means.

When a record is on blockchain, who can access it? – Quora

When a record is on blockchain, who can access it? – Quora

When a record is on a public blockchain (like Bitcoin or Decred) everyone can access it. These records are pseudonymous, so to make sense of the ledger and …

When a record is on a Blockchain, who can access it? – EduRev

When a record is on a Blockchain, who can access it? – EduRev

One person at a time. c). Only the people involved in the transaction. Correct answer is option ‘A’. Can you explain this answer?

Blockchain and Public Record Keeping: Of Temples, Prisons …

Blockchain and Public Record Keeping: Of Temples, Prisons …

A Self-Sovereign Future: From Temples to Prisons?

What Exactly Is Blockchain and How Can You Use It?

What Exactly Is Blockchain and How Can You Use It?

A public blockchain allows anyone to join the network and have identical privileges to view, modify, or confirm the transaction. The ledger is public to …

Privacy and blockchain – Wikipedia

Privacy and blockchain – Wikipedia

Health care records

Using Blockchain to Keep Public Data Public

Using Blockchain to Keep Public Data Public

A public blockchain, like the one bitcoin uses, is a ledger that keeps time-stamped records of every transaction. Recording a transaction on a …

What is blockchain and records management – Iron Mountain

What is blockchain and records management – Iron Mountain

Blockchain also uses a distributed record-keeping system called a ledger that keeps track of changes to assets within the chain. Unlike a bank or financial …

When a record is on a blockchain, who can access it?

When a record is on a blockchain, who can access it?

Blockchain MCQ (or) Quiz – When a record is on a blockchain, who can access it?, One person at a time., Only the people involved in the transaction., …

How Blockchain Can Be Used for Personal Health Record …

How Blockchain Can Be Used for Personal Health Record …

To be able to access the chain one must have permission to first add a block and then be able to access the rest of the chain. In addition to …