why dogecoin is a bad investment reddit

Last Updated on January 24, 2024 by Paganoto

Stop telling newbies that doge is a bad investment because of …

Stop telling newbies that doge is a bad investment because of …

Doge is a bad investment because it’s always followed by HODL and “to the moon“. No… the people telling you to hold and expect the moon are …

Dogecoin is a "BAD" Investment – Reddit

Dogecoin is a "BAD" Investment – Reddit

Damn cretins, they talk about dogecoing like it’s fiat currency. The boomer game is over.

Dogecoin is a bad long-term investment? I am not so sure.

Dogecoin is a bad long-term investment? I am not so sure.

And yes, “past performance does not guarantee future results“, but I believe it is unwise to completely disregard the past performance of …

Why should or shouldn't I invest in dogecoin? – Reddit

Why should or shouldn't I invest in dogecoin? – Reddit

It’s easy just to create another one, mine it and hoard it while the value rises and no one really uses it. As much as people pan national fiat currencies they’ …

Dogecoin good or bad? : r/StockMarket – Reddit

Dogecoin good or bad? : r/StockMarket – Reddit

I started investing in stocks about a year ago when the market crashed because of COVID. I figured now was the perfect time while the market is low.

Dogecoin: Who Buys It, Why It Will Fail, and Why It Bothers Me

Dogecoin: Who Buys It, Why It Will Fail, and Why It Bothers Me

Many of these people probably have large stashes of non-joke coins like BTC, ETH, etc. A few of them have massive %s of all the Dogecoins in …

Dogecoin is NOT a smart longterm investment. Here's why.

Dogecoin is NOT a smart longterm investment. Here's why.

The reason Doge is so high, and why it’s frustrating to a lot of us, is irrational. There’s no reason for it to have a market cap of $25B or …

You are NOT TO LATE for investing in Dogecoin, and here is …

You are NOT TO LATE for investing in Dogecoin, and here is …

If you scroll on Twitter and Reddit lately, you always see the same arguments beeing made against DOGE: It´s a MEME COIN (without giving a …

Is Doge really not a good long term investment? – Reddit

Is Doge really not a good long term investment? – Reddit

Yes, Doge can work as a stable currency. But in that case, you don’t want it to be so volatile. You want its price fairly stable so we can …

Reddit trader: I'm a dogecoin millionaire, inspired by Elon Musk

Reddit trader: I'm a dogecoin millionaire, inspired by Elon Musk

Experts are similarly very skeptical of dogecoin, which they say is highly speculative and a so-called meme trade based on social media buzz.