why hasnt transaction seen on blockchain

Last Updated on October 8, 2023 by Paganoto

Why hasn't my transaction confirmed yet?

Why hasn't my transaction confirmed yet?

Bitcoin users across the network may notice their transactions sit as unconfirmed or pending for a longer period of time, and we understand …

Why was my transaction rejected? – Blockchain Support Center

Why was my transaction rejected? – Blockchain Support Center

One of the most common reasons why a transaction gets rejected is because it used too low of a fee (or didn’t use a fee at all) . When too low …

Why is my transaction pending? – Exodus Support

Why is my transaction pending? – Exodus Support

You can use a blockchain explorer to check if your transaction sent from your Web3 Wallet is still pending. For more information on how to do this, you can …

8 Reasons Why Your Bitcoin Transaction is Delayed

8 Reasons Why Your Bitcoin Transaction is Delayed

When a blockchain network experiences peak traffic, it causes delays, a backlog of transactions and also pushes up transaction fees as demand …

Why is my transaction "pending"? – Coinbase Help

Why is my transaction "pending"? – Coinbase Help

Incoming transactions show up in your account almost instantly but show as Pending until there have been enough network confirmations (this number varies by …

Sent funds not showing up at recipient address

Sent funds not showing up at recipient address

If the transaction shows at least one (1) confirmation on the blockchain, then the funds were definitely received at that address.

Pending Transactions (ETH) – Bitcoin.com Support Center

Pending Transactions (ETH) – Bitcoin.com Support Center

Transactions in Ethereum will be pending (not confirmed) when either (1) you haven’t paid a high enough transaction fee, or (2) other previously submitted …

Why am I not seeing the incoming funds yet?

Why am I not seeing the incoming funds yet?

You may view the transaction on Explorer to see the network fee involved by tapping on [View Status on Explorer] in the transaction details screen.

Why hasn't my transaction arrived yet? – ZenGo Help Center

Why hasn't my transaction arrived yet? – ZenGo Help Center

To speed up a transaction, go to the activity list, then tap a transaction to see its details.

Reasons for a pending Bitcoin transfer – CoinJar Support

Reasons for a pending Bitcoin transfer – CoinJar Support

If you’re receiving a payment within your CoinJar, and the Bitcoin transaction itself hasn’t received enough confirmations on the blockchain …