why is bitcoin valuable reddit

Last Updated on March 16, 2023 by Paganoto

Why is Bitcoin worth anything? – Reddit

Why is Bitcoin worth anything? – Reddit

Bitcoin serves a purpose as a store of value just like gold. The advantage compared to gold is that it can be used as both a store of value and …

ELI5: Why is Bitcoin so popular/expensive? – Reddit

ELI5: Why is Bitcoin so popular/expensive? – Reddit

The price of Bitcoin is high because there is currently only 13 million units (divisible to 8th decimal place) so it has to accommodate that with price. If you …

CMV: Bitcoin is a useless commodity and provides no value to …

CMV: Bitcoin is a useless commodity and provides no value to …

The value in Bitcoin (and other cryptocurrencies) is that it’s a decentralized network. It’s a (mostly) trustless, open source p2p cash network.

Why is a Bitcoin worth so much money how can such virtual …

Why is a Bitcoin worth so much money how can such virtual …

Bitcoins are perceived to have value, so they have value. There’s a limited supply, so as demand increases, so does price. Why is there demand?

ELI5: What makes bitcoin so valuable if anyone can create a …

ELI5: What makes bitcoin so valuable if anyone can create a …

Bitcoin can be exchanged for dollars easily enough, your brand new cryptocurrency can’t be exchanged for dollars, so it doesn’t have value.

ELI5: Why does BitCoins have value? : r/explainlikeimfive

ELI5: Why does BitCoins have value? : r/explainlikeimfive

Why does any currency have value? Bitcoins have value because people are willing to pay for them (and of course, people are willing to pay for them because …

ELI5: Why do crypto-currencies have (any) value? – Reddit

ELI5: Why do crypto-currencies have (any) value? – Reddit

Bitcoin has value because it cost money to create and there is a finite amount of it. It wasn’t created out of nowhere, it was mined and …

What gives Bitcoin value? – Reddit

What gives Bitcoin value? – Reddit

Bitcoin’s value is completely unknown, and its value is being driven by market speculation; supply & demand. The more people that believe in its ability to …

Someone explain to me why bitcoin is worth so much – Reddit

Someone explain to me why bitcoin is worth so much – Reddit

Bitcoin is worth so much because it is a digital asset that can be used to purchase goods and services. It is also a store of value, meaning …

Bill Gates doesn't own crypto because it doesn't … – Fortune

Bill Gates doesn't own crypto because it doesn't … – Fortune

Bill Gates doesn’t own crypto because it doesn’t ‘have valuable output,’ isn’t ‘adding to society,’ he says on Reddit … Bill Gates doesn’t own …