
why is ethereum so slow

Last Updated on August 7, 2023 by Paganoto

Why is the ETH network so slow? – Quora

Why is the ETH network so slow? – Quora

Because the most popular blockchains like Bitcoin and Ethereum are very congested right now with lots of activity going on.

EXPLAINER: Why is my Ethereum transaction taking so long?

EXPLAINER: Why is my Ethereum transaction taking so long?

The Ethereum network has become so jammed up lately that many transactions are taking hours – with occasional ones even taking days.

Ethereum network is a mess… high gas fees, slow … – Reddit

Ethereum network is a mess… high gas fees, slow … – Reddit

Ethereum network is a mess… high gas fees, slow and congested, a lot of transactions fail and people lose money… this is not the future.

Ether Is Struggling as Its Network Hits a Setback | Barron's

Ether Is Struggling as Its Network Hits a Setback | Barron's

Ether, the second-largest cryptocurrency, has come under pressure and could face more hurdles due to delays in an overhaul of its underlying …

How to solve pending (stuck) transactions on Ethereum – Venly

How to solve pending (stuck) transactions on Ethereum – Venly

If your transaction is not being mined, it means there are enough other transactions on the network willing to pay a higher fee to the miners to get processed.

Why Ethereum is switching to proof of stake and how it will work

Why Ethereum is switching to proof of stake and how it will work

Ethereum’s mechanism has other drawbacks—it’s tediously slow, averaging 15 transactions per second. And it doesn’t scale. CryptoKitties, a game …

Ethereum Network Status

Ethereum Network Status

uncles (current / last 50){{ bestStats.block.uncles.length }}/{{ uncleCount }}. last block{{ lastBlock | blockTimeFilter }}. avg block time{{ avgBlockTime …

Why the “fast” Ethereum sync is so slow – crypto.bi

Why the “fast” Ethereum sync is so slow – crypto.bi

Users have been complaining forever now about the notoriously slow geth sync on the official Ethereum wallet. Some even question the level of scaling …

Speed Up Slow ETH Transactions By Adding Gas

Speed Up Slow ETH Transactions By Adding Gas

You can speed up slow ETH transactions by adding Gas to a transaction. This can be a smart move if the network is congested and you want your transaction to …

Ethereum had a rough September. Here's why and how it gets …

Ethereum had a rough September. Here's why and how it gets …

The makeover will move ethereum to a less energy-intensive mining process and, according to network founder Vitalik Buterin, could boost speed …