why is ibm not part of the consortium for open-source blockchain

Last Updated on February 28, 2023 by Paganoto

Choose your blockchain consortium and know your peers – IBM

Choose your blockchain consortium and know your peers – IBM

They can access and input data, but they do not own data. As with members, as the network matures, general users can become members if they …

Why open source isn't free: Support as a best practice IBM …

Why open source isn't free: Support as a best practice IBM …

Using open source software has many advantages which includes being free of charge to use — but is it really free?

Who has the power in enterprise blockchains? – IBM

Who has the power in enterprise blockchains? – IBM

The operator is the “super-user” for a consortium, with the ability to add new members to the network and grant them access. There are some …

Open source | IBM Supply Chain and Blockchain Blog

Open source | IBM Supply Chain and Blockchain Blog

Open source technologies such as Hyperledger Fabric, which is a global collaboration hosted by The Linux Foundation, form the foundation of blockchain.

What is hyperledger fabric? – IBM

What is hyperledger fabric? – IBM

Hyperledger Fabric, an open source project from the Linux Foundation, is the modular blockchain framework and de facto standard for enterprise blockchain …

What is Blockchain Technology? – IBM

What is Blockchain Technology? – IBM

IBM Blockchain Platform Software is optimized to deploy on Red Hat® OpenShift®, Red Hat’s state-of-the-art enterprise Kubernetes platform. This means you have …

About IBM Blockchain Platform v2.1.2 – IBM Cloud Docs

About IBM Blockchain Platform v2.1.2 – IBM Cloud Docs

The IBM® Blockchain Platform v2.1.2 enables a consortium of organizations to … the powerful opensource Hyperledger Fabric blockchain painless to use.

IBM, R3, Mastercard join open source digital identity consortium

IBM, R3, Mastercard join open source digital identity consortium

Today the Linux Foundation unveiled the Trust over IP digital identity consortium including members from Accenture, IBM, Mastercard, …

Blockchain Pumping New Life Into Old-School Companies …

Blockchain Pumping New Life Into Old-School Companies …

IBM was one of the first big companies to see blockchain’s promise … the Hyperledger consortium, a nonprofit open-source project that aims …

IBM's Future Blockchain Projects May Give New Meaning to its …

IBM's Future Blockchain Projects May Give New Meaning to its …

IBM is a member of the Hyperledger Consortium, an open source effort for the advancement of the Blockchain. In the past, it has collaborated …