why is my coinbase ltc send taking so long?

Last Updated on April 13, 2024 by Paganoto

Why is my transaction "pending"? – Coinbase Help

Why is my transaction "pending"? – Coinbase Help

Our nodes may lose sync with the rest of the network for short periods of time, which can cause transactions to remain Pending longer than normal. Usually the delay is under an hour and the transaction will eventually go through normally.

Why is my cryptocurrency send delayed? – Coinbase Help

Why is my cryptocurrency send delayed? – Coinbase Help

Take no action and the transaction will complete within 72 hours. · Accelerate the withdrawal by completing ID verification, including taking a photo of your …

Why does a buy take so long? – Coinbase Help

Why does a buy take so long? – Coinbase Help

The ACH bank transfer system typically takes 3-5 business days to complete after initiating a purchase. Once Coinbase receives the payment and the transaction …

Litecoin (LTC) – Coinbase Help

Litecoin (LTC) – Coinbase Help

Litecoin is a cryptocurrency that uses a faster payment confirmation schedule and a different cryptographic algorithm than Bitcoin.

When will my digital currency purchase or … – Coinbase Help

When will my digital currency purchase or … – Coinbase Help

The ACH bank transfer system typically takes 3-5 business days* to complete after initiating a purchase. Once Coinbase receives the payment and the transaction …

Why does a sell take so long? – Coinbase Help

Why does a sell take so long? – Coinbase Help

The ACH bank transfer system typically takes 3-5 business days to complete after initiating a sell or withdrawal.

Coinbase Status

Coinbase Status

Investigating – USDC trading is impacted for some international users on Advanced Trade as a result of the merger of USD and USDC order books. We are working on …

How long until my crypto deposit reaches my account?

How long until my crypto deposit reaches my account?

In a distributed system, it may take a few moments for the changes to propagate so that your transaction shows up everywhere. Because of fluctuations in each …

Coinbase Wallet: NFTs & Crypto 17+ – App Store

Coinbase Wallet: NFTs & Crypto 17+ – App Store

I’ve been using the wallet about a month now and I haven’t really had a problem. I haven’t found a way to “cash out” or send funds directly to …

LTC deposit & withdrawal – NiceHash

LTC deposit & withdrawal – NiceHash

Why is my Bitcoin deposit taking so long to be confirmed? Organizations.