why millennials like bitcoin

Last Updated on February 21, 2023 by Paganoto

Younger Generations More Bullish on Cryptocurrencies

Younger Generations More Bullish on Cryptocurrencies

More than half of millennials believe that cryptocurrency technology is accessible to everyone, and 49% call it "the future of finance." Even with excitement from many younger investors, perceptions of high risk and challenging technologies remain a hurdle for further cryptocurrency adoption.Apr 4, 2022

Why Millennials like Bitcoin – Zerocap Insights

Why Millennials like Bitcoin – Zerocap Insights

Many financial commentators argue that Bitcoin’s disruptive frameworks and attachment to digital modernity is what drove millennials to adopt the cryptocurrency …

Millennials and Gen Z Are Investing in Crypto for Retirement

Millennials and Gen Z Are Investing in Crypto for Retirement

Beyond retirement strategies, younger people are more likely to be comfortable betting on cryptocurrency in general. In a 2021 study by the …

Survey: Nearly Half Of Millennials Comfortable With Owning …

Survey: Nearly Half Of Millennials Comfortable With Owning …

Some millennials aren’t just comfortable with cryptocurrency, but actually think it’s the top place to invest. About 12 percent of millennials …

Millennials Love Crypto and Are Driving Its Boom. Here's Why.

Millennials Love Crypto and Are Driving Its Boom. Here's Why.

Millennialslove affair with crypto is burning red-hot right now — two out of three say it’s more attractive than ever. Here’s why they like it …

Gen Z investing in cryptocurrency BTC, ETH and meme stocks …

Gen Z investing in cryptocurrency BTC, ETH and meme stocks …

Of course, many Gen Z and young millennial investors initially turned to cryptocurrency as a way to avoid traditional financial institutions, …

How Young Investors Are Riding Out the Crypto Crash – TIME

How Young Investors Are Riding Out the Crypto Crash – TIME

Millennial and Gen Z investors have been taking big swings on … space to stick to “blue-chip cryptocurrencies” like Bitcoin and Ethereum.

Why Are Millennials Running After Crypto Investments?

Why Are Millennials Running After Crypto Investments?

Another Bankrate survey suggests that at least half of millennials are comfortable investing in cryptocurrency as compared to 37% of …

94% of Crypto Buyers are Gen Z/Millennial, but Gen X Spends …

94% of Crypto Buyers are Gen Z/Millennial, but Gen X Spends …

Buyers in the Gen Z and Millennials buckets make up nearly 94% of all crypto buyers — compared to just 6.14% across all other buyers over the …

Millennials Own More Crypto Than Any Other Generation

Millennials Own More Crypto Than Any Other Generation

A recent study from Piplsay found that 49% of millennials polled own cryptocurrency compared to 38% of Gen Xers and 13% of GenZ.