why multiple addresses in one transaction in a bitcoin blockchain explorer

Last Updated on November 27, 2023 by Paganoto

Why Did My Deposit Include Two Amounts on the Blockchain?

Why Did My Deposit Include Two Amounts on the Blockchain?

This is because multiple coin transfers can occur in one block (and typically do), or under one transaction ID. Within the BTC protocol, there is are addresses called the "change" addresses that serve a vital function in returning unspent funds to a wallet. As you will see above, there are two unspent amounts.May 10, 2021

Why are there many inputs and outputs on a bitcoin … – Quora

Why are there many inputs and outputs on a bitcoin … – Quora

Yes, it does. It automatically generate a new address for you after every transaction you make or when funds are moved between your wallet and …

Why Do Bitcoin Wallets Have Multiple Addresses? – Somsubhra

Why Do Bitcoin Wallets Have Multiple Addresses? – Somsubhra

The use of multiple bitcoin addresses is possible for people to send and receive transactions. Whenever possible, every transaction should be handled with a …

Why are there two transaction outputs when sending to one …

Why are there two transaction outputs when sending to one …

So your client picked some coins that added up to at least that amount and then created a new address to receive the leftover amount. So, …

Why is my Bitcoin balance different than the blockchain?

Why is my Bitcoin balance different than the blockchain?

Your Exodus wallet manages multiple Bitcoin (BTC) addresses, not just one. Each time you make a BTC transaction, your wallet also uses change addresses to …

How Bitcoin Transactions Work – Dummies.com

How Bitcoin Transactions Work – Dummies.com

If multiple inputs are associated with one bitcoin transaction, this means that the amount being sent is coming from multiple bitcoin wallet addresses. Any …

How Bitcoin Transactions Work? – The Crypto App

How Bitcoin Transactions Work? – The Crypto App

Bitcoin transactions are records that inform the blockchain network of a transfer of digital value from one bitcoin address to another. An easy way to think of …

Bitcoin Q&A: Re-using Addresses – YouTube

Bitcoin Q&A: Re-using Addresses – YouTube

What Is A Blockchain Explorer? – Software Testing Help

What Is A Blockchain Explorer? – Software Testing Help

#2) Explore receiving addresses and change addresses: In addition to the transaction receiving address, you can see the change address, which …

5. Transactions – Mastering Bitcoin [Book] – O'Reilly

5. Transactions – Mastering Bitcoin [Book] – O'Reilly

The fundamental building block of a bitcoin transaction is an unspent … A script that calls the blockchain.info API to find the UTXO related to an address.