why people dont understand blockchain

Last Updated on September 7, 2023 by Paganoto

Why Most People Don't Understand Blockchain Technology

Why Most People Don't Understand Blockchain Technology

Blockchain technology is an accounting technology. The fact that something so pedantic could become a hot trend amazes me to no end.

Still don't understand the blockchain? This explainer will help

Still don't understand the blockchain? This explainer will help

The technology behind Bitcoin and Ethereum is still shrouded in highly technical mystery. Here we tackle the whys, wherefores – and so …

Consumers don't understand blockchain but covet what it …

Consumers don't understand blockchain but covet what it …

Consumers don’t understand blockchain but covet what it enables, survey reveals. Do you really understand how blockchain works?

What is the most fundamental thing people don't understand …

What is the most fundamental thing people don't understand …

Top reasons most people don’t understand how crypto works: They work too much to spend any amount of time researching investment …

This is why you don't understand blockchain – Oscar Baruffa

This is why you don't understand blockchain – Oscar Baruffa

That’s because the implementation of a blockchain is just a set of agreed rules, or protocols, that the system uses to operate. These protocols …

The Truth About Blockchain – Harvard Business Review

The Truth About Blockchain – Harvard Business Review

That’s because blockchain is not a “disruptive” technology, which can attack a traditional business model with a lower-cost solution and overtake incumbent …

Does Anyone Really Understand Blockchain?

Does Anyone Really Understand Blockchain?

It doesnt matter whether you know what blockchain is, much less how it works or what its supposed to do. Most of those touting its virtues dont, …

It's 2022 and I still dont understand Bitcoin, blockchain!

It's 2022 and I still dont understand Bitcoin, blockchain!

According to Sharma, blockchain is designed to skirt centralised parties such as the government and banks, which makes it all the more …

You Don't Understand Bitcoin Because You Think Money is Real

You Don't Understand Bitcoin Because You Think Money is Real

Bitcoin is an illusion, a mass hallucination, so one hears. It’s just numbers in cyberspace, a mirage, insubstantial as a soap bubble.

A lot of people still don't know what blockchain is. Here's how …

A lot of people still don't know what blockchain is. Here's how …

In fact, 59 percent of consumers across the world said they’d never heard of blockchain technology, according to an HSBC survey. The survey, …