why shouldn’t cryptocurrency be overregulated

Last Updated on January 7, 2024 by Paganoto

The Challenges of Regulating Cryptocurrency | The New Yorker

The Challenges of Regulating Cryptocurrency | The New Yorker

The S.E.C. has yet to set clear rules on cryptocurrencies, leaving the industry guessing. Maybe that’s just how the agency wants it.

Bitcoin Has a Regulation Problem – Investopedia

Bitcoin Has a Regulation Problem – Investopedia

Regulation of bitcoin varies on both the state and federal level. The IRS treats cryptocurrency as property, while the CFTC considers it a commodity. Many …

It's Not Gonna Take a Lot to Drag Me Away From You – Nasdaq

It's Not Gonna Take a Lot to Drag Me Away From You – Nasdaq

… Me Away From You: Why Crypto Shouldn’t Be Overregulated in Africa … Crypto transfers to and from Africa under $10,000 shot up by 55 …

Why Regulation Won't Harm Cryptocurrencies

Why Regulation Won't Harm Cryptocurrencies

Feinstein had some advice for regulators on how they could approach cryptocurrencies. “First, they shouldn’t worry that their actions will drive …

Crypto needs regulation, but it doesn't need new rules

Crypto needs regulation, but it doesn't need new rules

Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen has suggested US framework isn’t ‘up to the task’ of regulating cryptocurrencies.

Does Regulation Chill Cryptocurrency Trading?

Does Regulation Chill Cryptocurrency Trading?

Regulatory determinations that crypto-assets are not currencies, bans on their trading or use, and anti-money-laundering and exchange …

US Rep: Congress Must 'Push Back' Against Blockchain …

US Rep: Congress Must 'Push Back' Against Blockchain …

But you shouldn’t default to government. … colleagues on the caucus were treating blockchain and cryptocurrencies as non-partisan issues, …

Cryptocurrency industry welcomes regulatory clarity but urges …

Cryptocurrency industry welcomes regulatory clarity but urges …

“With digital assets, and bitcoin or cryptocurrency technology, it’s the same thing where we don’t want to overregulate it too soon such …

Do We Need More Crypto Regulation? Two Sides of the Story

Do We Need More Crypto Regulation? Two Sides of the Story

It is rife with scams and there are few rules in place to prevent market manipulation or insider trading. Plus, there are hidden risks that …

Cryptocurrencies: how regulators lost control – Financial Times

Cryptocurrencies: how regulators lost control – Financial Times