why turkey embraced bitcoin

Last Updated on January 12, 2024 by Paganoto

Turkey embraces Bitcoin and Tether as the lira keeps spiraling …

Turkey embraces Bitcoin and Tether as the lira keeps spiraling …

The volatility of the Turkish lira is pushing Turks to adopt cryptocurrencies as both a means of payment and a store of value. The country’s …

Turkey's President Embraces Cryptocurrency and the Metaverse

Turkey's President Embraces Cryptocurrency and the Metaverse

The president of Turkey, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, is turning more in favor for cryptocurrencies with the national lira experiencing heavy …

Turks Pile Into Bitcoin and Tether to Escape Plunging Lira – WSJ

Turks Pile Into Bitcoin and Tether to Escape Plunging Lira – WSJ

Cryptocurrencies are embraced in Turkey and parts of the developing world where government economic policies spark significant distrust.

Tales from the crypto: lira crisis fuels Bitcoin boom in Turkey

Tales from the crypto: lira crisis fuels Bitcoin boom in Turkey

Cryptocurrency trading has boomed in popularity in Turkey during a financial crisis that halved the value of the lira last year, while inflation …

Turkey Embraces Bitcoin as Inflation Hits 24 Year High

Turkey Embraces Bitcoin as Inflation Hits 24 Year High

Turks turn to BTC as an inflation hedge … While the lira has been weakening, the amount of BTC volume on LocalBitcoins in the region has been …

'We are at war' with crypto, says Turkish President Erdoğan

'We are at war' with crypto, says Turkish President Erdoğan

Turkey is eager to become a blockchain hub as a country with one leg in Europe and another in Asia. However, the same passion doesn’t apply to …

Turkey's Unexpected Rise to the Top of Global Crypto Adopters

Turkey's Unexpected Rise to the Top of Global Crypto Adopters

While the country’s government was initially reluctant to embrace cryptocurrencies, the people had always found utility in it. A survey from ING …

Turkish Tribal War Against Bitcoin

Turkish Tribal War Against Bitcoin

Bitcoin could help rectify malinvestment and unsustainable development, if only embraced by a currently hostile Turkish government.

Turkish President Asks Ruling Party to Work on the Metaverse …

Turkish President Asks Ruling Party to Work on the Metaverse …

Erdoğan has said Ankara has “absolutely no intention of embracing cryptocurrencies.” Turkey, he said, was more interested in “mov[ing] forward …

Lessons From the Turkish Government's Hasty … – CoinDesk

Lessons From the Turkish Government's Hasty … – CoinDesk

Crypto adoption has accelerated in Turkey over the past two year, in part due to high inflation.